Our COST Action EuNet-INNOCHRON 2nd Early Career Investigators' Workshop ended on 10/9/22.

Thanks to everybody involved (expert speakers, Tutors, presenters, attendees) it was a big success.
A huge thank you to our local host Dr Piero Farruggia and the SPIA ASSOCIATION http://www.associazionespia.it/ for supporting the organization of the meeting.

Throughout the 3-day Workshop, our Young Investigators had the opportunity to be assigned some scientific tasks either on clinical cases of patients with neutropenias, or the appropriate disease models. They worked together as a team under the guidance of their tutors and presented their results to the rest of the participants.
They also had the opportunity to participate in Meet-the Expert Sessions and also to present their own work/project either as an oral presentations or a poster presentation,

Some highlights of our Meeting are shown below.

Find here more information about the 2nd Early Career Investigator’s (ECI) Workshop.


2nd Early Career Investigator’s (ECI) Workshop

ECI Group 1


ECI Group 2


Oral presentations


Poster presentations