Contact Information

Dr Michail Spanoudakis
Consultant Haematologist at Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Address: Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Pathology Department
Lovely Ln, Warrington WA5 1QG, UK

Email1: michail.spanoudakis@nhs.net
Email2: mspanoud@yahoo.com 
Tel:       01925665613

Current research interests

Pathogenesis of Chronic Idiopathic neutropenia in adults and relationship to other Bone Marrow failure syndromes.

Clinical Expertise related to EuNet-INNOCHRON

  • Clinical Haematology with specialist interest in  myeloid disorders.
  • Member of the Myeloid Interest Group for Merseyside and Cheshire

Laboratory Epertise related to EuNet-INNOCHRON

  • Flow cytometry of PB and BM.
  • TCR repertoire analysis

Recent publications related to Eunet-INNOCHRON

  • Mastrodemou S, Stalika E, Vardi A, Gemenetzi K, Spanoudakis M, Karypidou M, Mavroudi I, Hadzidimitriou A, Stavropoulos-Giokas C, Papadaki HA, Stamatopoulos K. Cytotoxic T cells in chronic idiopathic neutropenia express restricted antigen receptors.Leuk Lymphoma. 2017 Dec;58(12):2926-2933.
  • Spanoudakis M, Koutala H, Ximeri M, Pyrovolaki K, Stamatopoulos K, Papadaki HA. T-cell receptor Vβ repertoire analysis in patients with chronic idiopathic neutropenia demonstrates the presence of aberrant T-cell expansions Clin Immunol. 2010 Dec;137(3):384-95.