1st Early Career Investigator’s (ECI) Workshop

Basic and Clinical Research in Chronic Neutropenias
September 02-03, 2021, Genova, Italy

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Day 1 - September 2
WORKSHOP Part 1 (08:30 - 18:30)

Chairs: Carlo Dufour & Helen Papadaki

− Welcome to all participants by EuNet-INNOCHRON Chair (Helen Papadaki)
− Welcome by Local Organisers, practical Information and overview of the meeting-Institution virtual tour (Carlo Dufour)
− Presentation of the Young EuNet-INNOCHRON Group: Aims and Persectives (Maksim Klimiankou)
− Speed dating round of ECIs: Who are they? What is the focus of their work? In which neutropenia type? Which are the diseases and methods they are interested in learning/establishing?

10:30 - 11.00 Coffee break

11:00 - 17:00 GROUP SESSIONS - PART I
Separate pre-defined groups of ECIs will try to work on preselected questions/queries on Chronic eutropenias under the supervision of facilitators/tutors. Their findings and proposals will be presented and discussed in the second day of the Meeting.

11:00 - 12:30 Group Session 1:
Question/Query: Immune disturbances in patients with CNPs - Covid-19 infection and neutropenia (References)
Give in brief the main literature. List the most used and useful assays. Discuss potential research projects.
Facilitator/Tutor: Valentino Bezzerri

12:30 - 14:00 Group Session 2:
Question/Query: Panels for molecular genetic diagnostics of CNP – prevention and early diagnosis of MDS/AML transformation (congenital and acquired) (References)
Discuss their usage. Provide literature. Propose algorithms.
Facilitator/Tutor: Maksim Klimiankou

14:00 - 15.00 Lunch break

15:00 - 16:30 GROUP SESSIONS - PART II

15:00- 16:30 Group Session 3:
Question/Query: iPSC-based models to study the pathogenesis of CNP comparison with other models (References)
Discuss their usage. Where is the field now? What are the current feasible applications.
Facilitator/Tutor: Benjamin Dannenmann

16:30 - 17:00 Coffee break

17:00 - 18:30 POSTER WALKS
Facilitator: Orna Steinberg-Shemer, Marije Bartels

End of Day 1


Day 2 - September 3
WORKSHOP Part 2 (09:00 - 18:30)

9:00 - 10:30 - “MEET THE EXPERT” SESSION PART I (Piero Farruggia)
Groups chaired by experts. Registration in advance.

9:00 - 9:45 Group 1. Congenital Neutropenia: Molecular Diagnosis - from the bedside to the bench and back
Experts: Alan Warren*, Marco Cipolli

9:45-10:30 Group 2. Acquired Neutropenias in adults: Diagnosis and monitoring
Experts: Jan Palmblad*, Helen Papadaki

Coffee break: 10:30-11:00

11:00 - 13:15 - “MEET THE EXPERT” SESSION PART II (Piero Farruggia)

11:00 - 11:45 Group 3. How to make a diagnosis of autoimmune neutropenia
Experts: Francesca Fioredda, Petter Höglund

11:45- 12:30 Group 4. Basic and Translational Research within EuNet-INNOCHRON - opportunities for STSMs
Experts: Julia Skokowa, Ivo Touw*

12:30 - 13:15 Group 5. The impact of Registries in Optimizing the Care of Patients with CNP
Experts: David Dale and panel discussion by Jean Donadieu, Francesca Fioredda, Cornelia Zeidler

13:15 - 14:30 - Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00 Presentations by the ECIs on the topics already discussed and prepared in ECI Workshop part I (Day 1 of the meeting)
Chair: Karl Welte

14:30 - 15:00 Group 1: Immune disturbances in patients with CNPs - Covid-19 infection and neutropenia
Speaker(s): (Valentino Bezzerri and young investigators under the supervision of the tutors of day 1)

15:00 - 15:30 Group 2: Panels for molecular genetic diagnostics of CNP - prevention and early diagnosis of MDS/AML transformation (congenital and acquired)
Speaker(s): (Maksim Klimiankou and young investigators under the supervision of the tutors of day 1)

15:30 - 16:00 Group 3: iPSC-based models to study the pathogenesis of CNP comparison with other models
Speaker(s): (Benjamin Dannenmann and young investigators under the supervision of the tutors ofday 1)

16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break

Chair: Marije Bartels, Orna Steinberg-Shemer

Chairs: David Dale, Carlo Dufour
Panel: Julia Skokowa, Helen Papadaki, Karl Welte

End of Day 2 and end of the meeting