Successful repurposing of empagliflozin to treat neutropenia in a severe congenital neutropenia patient with G6PC3 mutations

X00260495Good news!

"Successful repurposing of empagliflozin to treat neutropenia in a severe congenital neutropenia patient with G6PC3 mutations" paper that acknowledges our Action EuNet-INNOCHRON has just been published in Metabolism.

Successful repurposing of empagliflozin to treat neutropenia in a severe congenital neutropenia patient with G6PC3 mutations,
Metabolism, 2024, 156077, ISSN 0026-0495, .
Keywords: Severe congenital neutropenia; G6PC3; SGLT-2 inhibitor; Empagliflozin

Grigorios Tsaknakisa, Erasmia Boutakogloua, Irene Mavroudia, Christos S. Mantzorosb, Maria Veiga-da Cunhac, Helen A. Papadakia
a Hemopoiesis Research Laboratory, School of Medicine, University of Crete, Department of Hematology, University Hospital of Heraklion, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
b Human Nutrition and Metabolism Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Beth Israel deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02215, United States of America
c Metabolic Research Group, de Duve Institute, UC Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
