Dear EuNet-INNOCHRON members,
For safety reasons due to the COVID19 pandemic, the program of the Training School (TS) on Autoimmune Neutropenias initially scheduled to take place in Genova in 2-6 November 2020 (hosts Dr Carlo Dufour and Dr Francesca Fioredda), will change.
As was discussed with the hosts and the participating trainers, we believe that the on-site training with travel of the trainers and trainees, will probably not be safe enough to take part at this time period. Therefore, it was decided that the TS will be split into two parts:
PART I, will take place as a virtual activity with lectures and interactive discussions, on 3 November 2020 as was initially planned (Please see the new program).
PART ΙΙ, will take place as a physical meeting, with hands-on training, later in the Grant Period, possibly in spring depending the situation with the pandemic.
Please send us your application via e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) accompanied by a CV (max 2 pages) and a letter of motivation (max 1 page), by October 5, 2020. Please, note, that we can accept 10 trainees to participate in both the virtual and the hands-on TS parts.
As you can see in the new program, the virtual part of the TS comprises a session for presentation of interesting autoimmune neutropenia cases. Please, feel free to send us your case should you want to present and discuss it with the trainers and trainees.
We are looking forward to receiving your applications and we are on your disposal for any clarification,
Warm regards,
Carlo Dufour, Francesca Fioreda, Helen Papadaki