E8hOvrRX0AcHVykThe COST Action CA18233 – “European Network for Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Neutropenias, EuNet-INNOCHRON” https://eunet-innochron.eu/ can provide a conference grant to a PhD student or a PhD candidate or Early Career Investigator (PhD obtained within the last 8 years) with a primary affiliation in an Institution located in one of the Inclusiveness Target Countries-ITC participating in the Action i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Malta, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey.

The EuNet-INNOCHRON ITC Conference Grant will cover the registration fees to the 63rd ASH Annual Meeting. The grant candidates should have their work selected as an oral or poster presentation at the 63rd ASH Annual Meeting and the main subject of their presentation should be on the topic of the Action which is Chronic Neutropenias and should acknowledge COST.

The grant candidates should submit a) their CV, b) a short description of their involvement in the Action, c) an acceptance letter from the 63rd ASH Annual Meeting (confirming either their speaking slot or their poster presentation), d) a copy of the abstract or poster submitted to the 63rd ASH Annual Meeting, to the COST Action EuNet-INNOCHRON in order to have their application considered for approval.

Contact e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Dr H.A. Papadaki)