Contact Information

Dr Anna Vardi
G. Papanikolaou Hospital
Address: Exochi, 57010, Thessaloniki, Greece

Email: anna_vardi@certh.gr
Tel:    +306944692474

Current research interests

My research activities involve immunogenetics and neoepitope identification in lymphoid malignancies, mainly chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). I am specifically interested in T cells and how they interact with the malignant clone in B cell lymphomas, either at diagnosis or after different types of treatment. Given that B-cell receptor immunoglobulins (BcR IG) have been implicated in homotypic interactions in CLL driving B-cell autonomous signaling, I am currently investigating the possibility that the clonotypic BcR IG contains T cell epitopes, which could be used as targets for cellular therapies or peptide vaccines.

Clinical Expertise related to EuNet-INNOCHRON

Clinical Haematology with special experience in (i) chronic lymphocytic leukemia and (ii) hematopoietic cell transplantation

Laboratory Epertise related to EuNet-INNOCHRON

  • BcR IG sequencing (Sanger-based and next-generation sequencing)
  • T cell repertoire profiling (Sanger-based and next-generation sequencing)

Recent publications related to Eunet-INNOCHRON

  • Restricted T cell receptor repertoire in CLL-like monoclonal B cell lymphocytosis and early stage CLL. G Blanco, A Vardi, A Puiggros, A Gomez-Llonin, M Nuro, M Rodriquez-Rivera, E Stalika, E Abella, E Gimeno, M Lopez-Sanchez, A senin, X Calvo, P Abrisqueta, F Bosch, A Ferrer, K Stamatopoulos, B Espinet. Oncoimmunology 2018; 7(6):e1432328
  • Monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis in a hospital-based UK population and a rural Uganda population: a cross-sectional study. Rawstron AC, Ssemaganda A, de Tute R, Doughty C, Newton D, Vardi A, et al. Lancet Haematol 2017;4(7):e334-40 
  • Cytotoxic T cells in chronic idiopathic neutropenia express restricted antigen receptors. Mastrodemou S, Stalika E, Vardi A, et al. Leuk Lymphoma 2017;58(12):2926-331. T cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: can they fight? Α Vardi, Κ Stamatopoulos, Α Hadzidimitriou. Oncotarget 2017;8(59):99209-99210
  • Restrictions in the T-cell repertoire of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: high-throughput immunoprofiling supports selection by shared antigenic elements A Vardi, E Vlachonikola, M Karypidou, E Stalika, V Bikos, K Gemenetzi, C Maramis, A Siorenta, A Anagnostopoulos, S Pospisilova, N Maglaveras, I Chouvarda, K Stamatopoulos, A Hadzidimitriou Leukemia 2017; 31(7):1555-61