Dr Anna Vardi
G. Papanikolaou Hospital
Address: Exochi, 57010, Thessaloniki, Greece
Email: anna_vardi@certh.gr
Tel: +306944692474
My research activities involve immunogenetics and neoepitope identification in lymphoid malignancies, mainly chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). I am specifically interested in T cells and how they interact with the malignant clone in B cell lymphomas, either at diagnosis or after different types of treatment. Given that B-cell receptor immunoglobulins (BcR IG) have been implicated in homotypic interactions in CLL driving B-cell autonomous signaling, I am currently investigating the possibility that the clonotypic BcR IG contains T cell epitopes, which could be used as targets for cellular therapies or peptide vaccines.
Clinical Haematology with special experience in (i) chronic lymphocytic leukemia and (ii) hematopoietic cell transplantation