Dr Elisa SERIA

Contact Information

Dr Elisa Seria
Research Support Officer IV
Centre of Molecular Medicine and Biobanking.
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.
University of Malta
Address: University of Malta | Msida | MSD 2080 | Malta | Europe

Email: elisa.seria@um.edu.mt
Tel:    +35699116784

Current research interests

My current research is on the role of cellular, molecular, immune and genetic mechanisms involved in the inflanmmatory phase of chronic non-healing wounds.  I am studying the immunomodulatory properties of peripheral blood and Bone Marrow derived Mesenchymal stem cells in the immune response. 

I am also studying the role of isolated plateletet alpha granules derived proteins (specifically IgG) in infectious wounds. 

Clinical Expertise related to EuNet-INNOCHRON

Experience in the diagnosis of myeloproliferative disorders, chronic and acute leukemias and myelodysplastic syndrome (MPD/AML/ALL/CLL/MDS). 

Laboratory Epertise related to EuNet-INNOCHRON

  • Flow cytometry of PB and BM
  • BM cultures of HSCs 
  • BM cultures of MSC’s
  • PB cultures of MSC’s
  • Studies of BM MSCs
  • Studies of PB MSCs
  • Real-time PCR.
  • Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence

Recent publications related to Eunet-INNOCHRON

  • JAK2 V617F mutation testing in Polycythemia Vera and Polycythemia Vera-like disease: Impact on thrombotic risk.Cacciola R, Seria E, Torre M, Cacciola E Experimental Haematology, Volume 42, Issue 8, Supplement Page S26 P1016, August 2014
  • Effect of heterozygous JAK2 V617F on Thrombotic Risk in patients with Polycythemia Vera : Measuring the Uncertain Cacciola E, Cipolla A, Di Francesco E, Seria E, Torre M, Cacciola R Blood - November 15, 2013; 122 (21), Abstract 5251
  • Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells to augment liver regeneration in a preclinical model of acute liver failure in rats. Gruttadauria S, Seria E, Pagano D, Vizzini GB, Conaldi PG, Mangano K, Liotta R, Amico GD, Luca A, Triolo F, Basile F, Gridelli B Liver Transplantation, 17(6) Suppl. 1: S199-S200  P 234
  • Clonal or inflammatory interleukin-6 levels in Essential Thrombocythemia Cacciola R, Cipolla A, Di Francesco E, Seria E, Torre M, Cacciola E Experimental Haematology, Volume 41, Issue 8, Supplement, Page S48 P1099, August 2013