Dear Researchers

The results for the EHA2022 Congress abstract submission have been recently sent.
Has your work on Neutropenia or related subject been accepted for oral or poster presentation?
Are you a young researcher/innovator (aged <40) affiliated in an Inclusiveness Target Country / Near Neighbour Country ?
If the answer to the above is yes, then take the opportunity to apply for a COST ITC Conference Grant to receive support for attending the EHA 2022 Congress (virtually or face-to-face) and presenting your work (poster or oral presentation).
You  can send the following to the Chair of the EuNet-INNOCHRON Action (Prof. H.A. Papadaki) at , 
  • your submitted abstract
  • the letter of acceptance
  • your CV
  • approval from your PI
  • preference for virtual or face-to-face participation
and you will get more info on how to apply online  for the COST ITC Conference Grant.
At least one participant will get a grant to cover for travel expenses and a few more will get a grant to cover the registration fees for a virtual presence.
Don't miss out this chance to submit your application and be selected for a conference grant.
Kind regards
The EuNet-INNOCHRON coordinators