Final Conference of EUNet-INNOCHRON Reseach Network of the EU COST Programme on the 4th- 6th April at Chania, Crete in Greece
The Final Conference of EuNET-INNOCHRON (European Network for the Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Neutropenias) Research Newtork - a COST Action - focusing on research in the field of chronic neutropenias, took place on the 4th until the 6th of April, 2024 at the KAM Center of Mediterranean Architecture in Chania.
The chair of the COST Action CA18233 EuNet-INNOCHRON, Helen Papadaki, Professor of Hematology School of Medicine, University of Crete and Director of the Hematology Department of the University Hospital of Heraklion UHH (PAGNI), organized the conference, with the participation of researchers from 32 countries as well as the European Hematology Association (EHA). Ninenty (90) researchers from 22 countries participated onsite at the final conference.
The goal of the conference was to discuss and present the results of the research of the four-year Action in the field of neutropenias - in children and adults alike - the prevention of its progression into acute leukemia, to highlight the recent focus areas which have emerged and the prospects of continuing the existing collaborations and research between partners of the Action.
During the conference, young investigators had the opportunity to present their recent results on their work in the field of neutropenias, discuss with experts in the field, expand their scientific network and promote further colaborations between research Institutions and hospitals across Europe.
According to Prof. Helen Papadaki: «The EuNet-INNOCHRON Action developed into a very successful network and interactive community, thanks to a number of dedicated scientists who looked into detail into current and future aspects of neutropenia, enhancing collaborations. Of equal significance, is the opportunity offered to many young clinicians and researchers across the EU including inclusiveness target countries and near neighbor countries - such as Turkiye, Armenia and Egypt - to train in the field of neutropenias, a rare-disease condition which often leads to pre-leukemia.
Particularly important is the Common EU Guidelines on the diagnosis and Management of Neutropenia jointly published by EUNET-INNOCHRON and the European Hematology Association, for the benefit of patients, their families and caretakers and pracising clinicians. Patient representatives were also present and provided their perspectives, helping redefine therapeutic goals while providing insights on their expectations
Thanks to the network’s work, patients have a better chance of receiving proper treatment in their place of residence. Furthermore, we have at our fingertips big data and to harvest information critical to define treatments including molecular structure of the disease, biomarkers and other parameters which aid in the prevention, diagnosis and proper monitoring of the patients’ condition.
The Regional Governor of Chania Mr. Nikos Kalogeris said: «The scientific work by the Hematology Department of the University Hospial of Heraklion UHH (PAGNI) and the University of Crete is well known. This goes beyond Crete itself, significantly contributing to our society’s health security. The Region of Crete had the great plessure to support the International Conference by EUNET-INNOCHRON organized in the city of Chania by Prof.Helen Papadaki, and we anticipate with great interest the results and the prospects of the Action». «I am happy we organized the final conference in Chania, which supported in an excellent manner such an important scientific event».
The Conference took place at the KAM Center of Mediterranean Architecture in Chania and is supported by COST, the University of Crete, The Region of Crete through the Region of Chania and the Municipaliy of Chania. The organisers thank the Economic Chamber of Chania and the Association Friends of the Hematology Department of UHH ‘Anagenissi’.
Conference website:
Conference location:
For info: EUNET-INNOCHRON Chair, Prof. Helen Papadaki, Coordinator of EuNet-INNOCHRON, Professor of Hematology, Medical Scool of the University of Heraklion PAGNI, Director of the Hematology Department of the University Hospital of Heraklion PAGNI & Public CBBC, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
About the Action: EuNET-INNOCHRON:
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