Dear colleagues and friends,
we are happy to announce our 1st Meeting of the Expert Board on Diagnosis of Chronic Neutropenia.
Meeting goal and description:
Patients with Chronic Neutropenia (CNP) for whom we could not establish a diagnosis or cannot suggest a therapy are a great challenge and may require more than one expert to find solutions. We therefore initiated a Board of Clinicians, Geneticists, and Biologists for regular discussions of unclear patients with CNP. This Board aims to allow any COST member to discuss his/her neutropenia patient with the Experts in the field.
We plan to have one Video Conference per month. Colleagues who would like to discuss a patient should submit the necessary information on the patient’s disease history with all relevant results two weeks in advance to give the Board members sufficient time to prepare for the case discussion and request further helpful information.
Please submit your case no later than 6th of April to Board Coordinators:
- Prof. Julia Skokowa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and
- Dr. Cornelia Zeidler (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
A maximum of three selected cases will be discussed during the meeting. Selected patient cases will be presented by the submitting physicians. After that, the case will be discussed by the experts in the field and the diagnostics and treatment recommendations will be provided.
Thank you very much!
Julia and Conni