1st Management Committee (MC) meeting

COST Action: CA18233 - European Network for Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Neutropenias
Meeting Title: 1st Management Committee meeting
Location: 149 Avenue Louise, 1050, Brussels, Belgium
Meeting Dates:19 November 2019 from 09:30 to 17:00



Draft Agenda  

  1. Welcome to participants
  2. Verification of the presence of two-thirds of the Participating COST Countries (quorum)
  3. Adoption of agenda
  4. Tour de table / introduction of the MC members
  5. General information on COST mechanism and on the funding and reporting of coordination activities:
    • COST overview, policies and structure
    • Financing COST Action activities: Administrative Rules and Guidelines, Work and Budget Plan, COST Action Grant Agreement, Financial Reporting
    • Scientific/networking Reporting and Monitoring
  6. Agreement on the internal rules of procedure for the Management Committee of the COST Action
  7. Setting the frame for the Action - presentation by the Science Officer
    • Budget
    • Presentation of the Scientific Committee recommendations to the Action

      --------------- Coffee break ---------------

  8. Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair
  9. Selection of:
    • The Grant Holder institution (Scientific Representative)
    • The FSAC rate for the Grant Holder institution
  10. Presentation and discussion of the Action
    1. Presentation of the Action by the "Main Proposer"/Chair of the Action (based on the Memorandum of Understanding)
      • Objectives and deliverables
      • Working Groups and other management roles/structures
      • Implementation of COST policies on the promotion of Inclusiveness and Excellence (see below list of Inclusiveness Target Countries), gender balance and Early Career Investigators (ECI)
    2. MC discussion of:
      • Deliverables and timeline
      • Working Groups and other management roles/structures
      • Implementation of Scientific Committee recommendations and COST policies

        Inclusiveness Target Countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey.

  11. Establishment of Action Management structure
    • Election of Working Group Leaders and STSM Manager
    • Election of other management roles

      --------------- Lunch break ---------------

  12. Action implementation planning
    1. Development of Objective Achievement Indicators for MoU Objectives
    2. 1st Grant Period (GP)
      • Grant Period Goals, WG tasks and deliverables
      • Activity and budget planning (Work and Budget Plan preparation)
      • Dissemination strategy/ planning (Publications and outreach activities)
  13. Any Other Business (AOB)
  14. Closing


Getting Here

From Brussels National Airport: Take a train to Brussels South Station (Midi/Zuid) (30 mins)

From Brussels South Station (Midi/Zuid): Take metro 2, direction Elisabeth, and get off at “Louise/Louiza” (3rd stop). Then take tram 8, direction Rodebeek or 93, direction Legrand, and get off at “Defacqz” (2nd stop).


Where to stay?

Here is a Hotels List near the COST Association.