Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) activation!

stsm insideGiven the improvement of the covid-19 situation across Europe, we can start thinking to activate the Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) for any time until April 2021.

STSMs are institutional visits aiming at supporting individual mobility and fostering collaboration between individuals or groups. The STSMs allow scientists from one country to go to an institution or laboratory to another country to foster collaboration, to learn a new technique, to use instruments not available in their own institution/laboratory etc. They are particularly intended (but not restricted) for young scientists. In general, a STSM applicant can be any person with an e-COST profile.

Following the survey performed by the STSM Coordinator Prof Oliver Karanfilski, there are many Institutions offering training and many partners who are interested to get training within EuNet-INNOCHRON. We advise however, all partners who are interested for a STSM until April 2021, to contact directly the PI of the Institution of their interest for a mutual agreement (on the work and, in particular, for the definition of the appropriate time period according to the rules related to the covid-19 situation).



For the current grant period (until April 2021), we have allocated a budget of 7,000 euros to cover the expenses of 5 scientists for one week training with the amount of 1400 euro each.

You can get information for the procedure from:

  1. The part 8 of the COST Vademecum:
  2. The STSM User Guide:

To facilitate you, we recommend to send us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) the following documents by July 19, 2020:

  1. A Motivation letter including the techniques/equipment to be used, the work plan and how the collaboration promotes the scientific objectives of our Action (max 2000 words).
  2. A CV (including a list of most relevant publications; max 2 pages)
  3. A Letter of support from the Home institution (max 1 page)
  4. A Letter of invitation to the applicant from a senior Researcher affiliated to the Host institution stating that the applicant can become accepted in the Institution in the proposed time period

We can collaborate and assist you for the electronic application, which is mandatory. The evaluation of the electronic applications will be performed by the STSM Coordinator and the final approval will be given by the Management Committee.

We are looking forward to receiving your applications and we are on your disposal for any clarification!