Call for applications for the Final Conference and Working Groups Meeting

Final Conference and Working Groups Meeting of the EuNet-INNOCHRON COST Action


The Final Conference and Working Groups Meeting of the COST Action CA18233 European Network for Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Neutropenias (EuNet-INNOCHRON) has been scheduled for 04-06 April 2024. The Working Group members will present their research progress throughout the life course of the Action and young investigators will have the opportunity to showcase their own work and interact with their peers and with experts. A joint session with the European Hematology Association will also take place.  The Conference will highlight novel areas in the field and will set the grounds for future collaborations.

The host of the Final Conference and Working Groups Meeting is the chair of the EuNet-INNOCHRON Action Prof Helen Papadaki, Haematology Department and Haemopoiesis Research Lab, School of Medicine, University of Crete. The venue of the Conference is in the picturesque and historical city of Chania, Crete, Greece.

Deadline for applications: January 15th, 2024

Applicants are encouraged to submit an abstract of their recent clinical or laboratory research on Neutropenias.

Application Process:

  1. The applicants must send their application to Dr Helen Papadaki, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before the deadline January 15th 2024
  2. The application should consist of.
    • A brief C.V.
    • A motivation letter stating the relevance to their research and the value to participate in the Final Conference and Working Groups Meeting.
    • A letter of support from a senior Researcher/Clinician (preferably but not necessarily related to the EuNet-INNOCHRON project) from their home Institution.
  3. The applicants are also encouraged to submit an abstract of up to 500 words text. Selected abstracts will be presented as oral or poster presentations during the meeting. Submission of an abstract will be considered an advantage during the selection process of the applicants.
  4. The applicants will be formally notified of the outcome of their application on January 30th at the latest.


Important Notes:

  1. A limited number of participants will be accepted and applications with abstract submission and/or Working Groups members will be prioritized.
  2. The selected applicants will be sent a formal COST invitation to the email they have provided, and instructions for reimbursement rules for the expenses regarding the whole travel.
  3. The selected participants will be reimbursed from the COST Action EuNet-INNOCHRON for travel costs and will get a fixed amount of daily allowance (for their accommodation, meals and any public local transport).

Find the agenda here.