Prof Antonio ALMEIDA

Contact Information

Prof Antonio Almeida
Hospital da Luz Lisboa
Address: Avenida Lusiada 100, 1500-650 Lisboa

Tel:    +351919707747

Current research interests

My current research interest research interests include pathophysiology and novel treatment targets for myeloproliferative and myelodysplastic syndromes, focusing on epigenetic regulation of transcription regulation. I lead a Haematology Epigenetic research group and am the national principal investigator for several clinical trials in CML and MDS.

Clinical Expertise related to EuNet-INNOCHRON

Clinical Haematology with special experience in patients with myeloid malignancies (MDS/AML). 

Laboratory Expertise related to EuNet-INNOCHRON

  • Flow cytometry of PB and BM
  • Real-time PCR
  • Cytogenetics and chromosome fragility assays

Recent publications related to Eunet-INNOCHRON

  • Marlijn Hoeks, Ge Yu, Saskia Langemeijer, Simon Crouch, Louise de Swart, Pierre Fenaux, Argiris Symeonidis, Jaroslav Čermák, Eva Hellström-Lindberg, Guillermo Sanz, Reinhard Stauder, Mette Skov Holm, Moshe Mittelman, Krzysztof Mądry, Luca Malcovati, Aurelia Tatic, Antonio Medina Almeida, Ulrich Germing, Aleksandar Savic, Njetočka Gredelj Šimec, Dominic Culligan, Raphael Itzykson, Agnes Guerci-Bresler, Borhane Slama, Arjan van de Loosdrecht, Corine van Marrewijk, Jackie Droste, Nicole Blijlevens, Marian van Kraaij, David Bowen, Theo de Witte, Alex Smith, EUMDS Registry Participants. Impact of treatment with iron chelation therapy in patients with lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes participating in the European MDS registry. Haematologica Jul 2019
  • Cardoso BA, Ramos TL, Belo H, Vilas-Boas F, Real C, Almeida AM. Vorinostat synergizes with Antioxidant therapy to target Myeloproliferative Neoplasms. Exp Hematol. 2019 Feb 12
  • Itzykson R, Crouch S, Travaglino E, Smith A, Symeonidis A, Hellström-Lindberg E, Sanz G, Čermák J, Stauder R, Elena C, Germing U, Mittelman M, Langemeijer S, Mądry K, Tatic A, Holm MS, Almeida AM, Savic A, Šimec NG, Luño E, Culligan D, Guerci-Bresler A, Malcovati L, van Marrewijk C, Bowen D, de Witte T, Fenaux P; European MDS Registry members. Early platelet count kinetics has prognostic value in lower-risk myelodysplastic syndromes. Blood Adv. 2018 Aug 28;2(16):2079-2089.
  • Ball B, Komrokji RS, Adès L, Sekeres MA, DeZern AE, Pleyer L, Vey N, Almeida A, Germing U, Cluzeau T, Platzbecker U, Gore SD, Fenaux P, Prebet T. Evaluation of induction chemotherapies after hypomethylating agent failure in myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia. Blood Adv. 2018 Aug 28;2(16):2063-2071.