
itc conf grants

Dear EuNet-INNOCHRON members

Has your work been accepted to be presented in  the annual EHA 2023 Hybrid Congress ?

We would like to remind you that our COST Action can provide a conference Grant as a fixed financial contribution to Young Researchers and Innovators (under the age of 40) affiliated in Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC) or Near Neighbor Countries (i.e. Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Egypt, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Türkiye, Ukraine) to attend face-to-face or virtually the EHA2023 Hybrid Congress and present their work.

If you are a young investigator from an ITC country and your abstract is selected as an oral or poster presentation for the EHA2023 Hybrid Congress, you are eligible for the COST ITC Conference Grant.

The main subject of your presentation should be on the topic of the Action i.e on Chronic Neutropenias or related subject and should acknowledge COST Association and our COST ACTION CA18233 EuNet-INNOCHRON.

Please  submit your online "ITC Conference Grant" application by 12th May 2023
The application will be submitted via your eCOST profile.
The procedure is described step-by-step on the COST Grants Guide, and you should follow the instructions and use the templates for the "ITC Conference Grants".
You will also need to upload on the system the documents as seen below:
  1. an ITC Conference Grant Application (based on e-COST template- described in the guide) 
  2. copy of the abstract or poster submitted to the EHA 2023 Hybrid Congress
  3. an acceptance letter from the EHA 2023 Hybrid Congress organizers (confirming either your speaking slot or your poster presentation)
  4. a Letter of support by your PI from your home Institution
  5. a brief CV 
  6. disclosure of any financial support you have, and a declaration that the COST ITC Conference Grant will NOT double-fund any of your expenses, in case of other financial sources.
The evaluation of the applications will be performed by our Grant Awarding Coordinator, Prof Oliver Karanfilski on behalf of the Management Committee by 17th May 2023.
We are looking forward to receiving your applications and we are on your disposal for any clarification at

Kind regards, 

Prof Oliver Karanfilski
Grant Awarding Coordinator 

Prof Helen Papadaki
Chair of EuNet-INNOCHRON


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