2nd Management Committee and 1st Working Groups Meeting

16-17 March 2020, Clare College, University of Cambridge, UK
COST Action: CA18233
- European Network for Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Neutropenias
Meeting Title: 2nd Management Committee and 1st Working Groups Meeting
Location: Clare College, University of Cambridge, UK, [ clareconferencing.com ]
Meeting Dates:16-17 March 2020

Important information about EuNET-INNOCHRON activities in the context of Coronavirus outbreak


Due to the evolving situation and uncertainty regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the #COST Association has taken the decision to suspend the COST physical meetings: https://www.cost.eu/who-we-are/about-cost/coronavirus-covid-19/

By thinking ahead, the EuNet-INNOCHRON Action Chairs, the Local Organizers, the  Grant Holder and the Management Committee (MC) had already planned a Video-Tele conference approach for Monday's meeting. Therefore, the MC and WG Meetings will take place as a one-day event as already announced.We are looking  forward to seeing you “on line” on Monday 16 and having interesting presentations and fruitful discussions.

All times below are according to UK time zone. (GMT).  Please adjust for your local time zone accordingly. 


EuNET-INNOCHRON members can find the Meeting presentations here.

08:00 – 10:00 Management Committee Meeting [To join by phone: 0044 1223 761376. PIN: 623907]

10:00 – 10:30 Break 

10:30- 11:30  Working Group 1 ‘Congenital Neutropenias’ session [To join by phone: 0044 1223 761376. PIN: 459377]

  1. Genetic heterogeneity of congenital neutropenias. K. Welte
  2. Molecular basis of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome. A. Warren
  3. Genomic profiling and characterization of novel variants in glycogen storage disease type Ib: from the NGS method to the CRISPR/Cas9 technology. A. Skakic & S. Pavlovic
  4. Development of nonsense mutation suppression therapies for BM failure syndromes. V. Bezzerri

11:30 – 12.30  Working Group 2 ‘Acquired Neutropenias’ session

  1. How we investigate neutropenia within EuNet-INNOCHRON (survey results). J. Palmblad
  2. Antibody-mediated neutropenias. The challenges in anti-neutrophil antibody screening. P. Hӧglund
  1. Non-antibody mediated neutropenias.

            NGS-based immunoprofiling of T-cell mediated neutropenias. K. Stamatopoulos
            How can distinguish benign and neutropenias preceding MDS. H. Papadaki 

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 – 14:30 Working Group 3 ‘Mechanisms of Leukaemic Evolution’ session [To join by phone: 0044 1223 761376. PIN: 874350]

  1. Role of the promyelocyte leukemia (PML) protein in SCN. P. Olofsen
  2. Leukemic progression of SCN in a mouse model: Identification of a driver mutation in CXXC4. I.Touw.
  3. The role of genetic/chromosome abnormalities in malignancies derived from BM failures and other leukemia predisposition syndromes. C. Mecucci. 

14:30 – 15:30 Guidelines session

Areas in EuNet-INNOCHRON where evidence-based guidelines, consensus based guidelines, and position documents are needed. C.Dufour, F. Fioredda, F. Cerisoli, J. Palmblad and all 

15:30 – 16:30 Working Group 4 ‘Targets for Novel Therapies’ session

  1. Establishment of the patients-specific cell-based platform for drug development in Congenital Neutropenia. J.Skokowa
  2. Potential of inhibitors of neutrophil elastase for treatment of ELANE-associated Congenital Neutropenia. J. Cichy
  3. In vivo zebrafish model of congenital neutropenia for drug screening. B. Bajoghli
  4. Novel small molecule in the treatment of SDS patients. A.Warren 

16:30 – 17:00 Break 

17:00 – 18:00 Working Group 5 ‘Registries and biobanking’ session

  1. Registries for chronic neutropenia in EU: present situation. J.Donadieu
  2. Organization of a registry: Hanover SCNIR experience. C.Zeidler
  3. Organization of a registry: French experience. J.Donadieu
  4. Biobank: Needs and organization. K. Stamatopoulos

18:00 – 18:30 The role of SME Companies in EuNet-INNOCHRON.

SafeBlood BioAnalytica SA. Dr D. CHRISTOU

X4 Pharmaceuticals. Dr S. Cohen

18:30 - 19:00 Summary and conclusions H. Papadaki, C. Dufour, A. Warren







Baubak Bajoghli

University Hospital Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany


Valentino  Bezzerri

Cystic Fibrosis Center, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti, Ancona,Italy


Francesco Cerisoli,

Coordinator Research & Development, European Hematology Association


Dimitrios  Christou

SafeBlood BioAnalytica SA, Athens, Greece


Joanna Cichy

Jagiellonin University, Krakow, Poland


Sarah Cohen

X4 Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Vienna, Austria


Jean Donadieu

AP-HP,  Trousseau Hospital, France, Paris


Carlo  Dufour

G.Gaslini Children's Research Hospital, Hematology Unit, Genova, Italy


Francesca Fioredda

G.Gaslini Children's Research Hospital, Genova, Italy


Petter  Hӧglund

Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden


Cristina Mecucci

University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy


Patricia  Olofsen

Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands


Jan  Palmblad

Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden


Helen Papadaki

University of Crete, School of Medicine / University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete, Greece


Sonja Pavlovic

Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia


Anita Skakic 

Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia


Julia Skokowa

University Hospital Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany


Kostas Stamatopoulos

Institute of Applied Biosciences, Thessaloniki, Greece


Ivo Touw

Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands


Alan Warren

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom


Karl Welte

University Children Hospital, Tübingen, Germany


Cornelia Zeidler

Hannover Medical School/ Clinic for Hematology, Hemostaseology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation, Hannover, Germany