First EuNet-INNOCHRON Training School


We are happy to announce the First EuNet-INNOCHRON Training School (TS) dedicated to "Autoimmune Neutropenias".

The TS will be organized by Carlo Dufour and Francesca Fioredda with the valuable contribution of the top experts in the field Prof. J. Bux, Prof. U. Sachs, Prof. P. Höglund, Dr A. Reil, in Genova, November 2-6, 2020.

Please,  download the Agenda of the TS here.

The Local Organizers and Trainers will be prepared for a virtual TS in case that the covid-19 situation will not allow a face-to-face meeting.

Please, note, we can cover the expenses of 9 trainees with the amount of approximately of 1300 euros each. Eligible for reimbursement are participants in an official research program as PhD Students or post-Docl fellows as well as participants employed by, or affiliated to, an institution, organization or legal entity which has within its remit a clear association with performing research. In general, any EuNet-INNOCHRON participant is eligible for the TS.

You can find more on TS in the section 6 of the COST Vademecum

Please send us your application via e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) accompanied by a CV (max 2 pages) and a letter of motivation (max 1 page), by August 24, 2020.

We are looking forward to receiving your applications and we are on your disposal for any clarification!