Press release

Final Conference

of EUNet-INNOCHRON Reseach Network

of the EU COST Programme

on the 4th- 6th April at Chania,Crete in Greece




04-06 April 2024
Chania, Crete Greece

3rd Early Career Investigators' (ECI) Workshop

14-16 September 2023

Verona, Italy

- ended


The European Guidelines on Diagnosis

and Management of Neutropenia in Adults and Children:

A Consensus Between the European Hematology Association

and the EuNet-INNOCHRON COST Action


03-05 May 2023, Verona Italy

Training School on

Basic methods to purify and investigate

the discrete functions of human neutrophils

Meeting - ended

8-10 September 2022, Palermo, Italy

2nd Early Career Investigators' (ECI)

Meeting - ended

4-5 July 2022, Petah Tikva, Israel

Training School - ended

On Molecular Diagnosis of Congenital Neutropenias (PART II) (Hands-on Part)

On Bio-Βankning on Neutropenias

Training School

How lovely it was to meet young Investigators with passion for what they do.

It is our great pleasure to announce the three


  1. Exome sequencing of patients and families with genetically unclassified neutropenia
  2. Screening of acquired AML/MDS associated genetic lesions in patients with severe neutropenia
  3. The Online Discussion Club.

Training School

AIN Training School - PART II

Following the successful virtual Training School
Autoimmune Neutropenias- PART I last November,
the 2nd Part (PART
 II) was held in Genova 31/8-1/9.


1st ECI Workshop

Who could deny that chronic neutropenias
could bring people from around Europe together?

European Cooperation in Science and Technology


European Network for Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Neutropenias

Action Of European Cooperation in Science and Technology


European Network for Innovative Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Neutropenias

Chronic neutropenias (CNP) represent a wide spectrum of disorders ranging from mild to life-threatening, acquired or congenital diseases. The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying CNPs are diverse and vary from haemopoietic stem cell and bone marrow microenvironment defects resulting in impaired neutrophil production, to immune disturbances leading to accelerated apoptosis of neutrophil progenitors and/or the circulating mature neutrophils. The prognosis of patients with CNP is related to the underlying pathogenesis, the degree of neutropenia and the propensity for leukaemic transformation. Accurate diagnosis is mandatory for risk stratification and treatment choice.

The principal challenge of the Action is to establish a wide network of researchers with special interest in CNPs and facilitate interactions and collaborations among top-level European experts and young investigators from different scientific areas i.e. Clinical and Laboratory Haematology, Immunology, Genetics, Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine. The main aims of the Action are: (a) to promote science, training and education on advanced biochemical, immunological, genetic and molecular biology techniques for the accurate diagnosis and treatment of patients with different types of CNP, early recognition of Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Acute Myeloid Lekaemia evolution and appropriate intervention, (b) to link and further expand existing neutropenia networks for a more multidisciplinary approach of CNP that will result in a better characterization of the underlying diseases and development of individualized and precision medicine therapeutic approaches for selected patients, (c) to organize and expand CNP patient Registries and Biobanks using homogenized protocols in line with the ethical standards of the European Legal Framework and the relevant national regulations.

Action Details

  •   MoU - 050/19
  •   CSO Approval date - 04/06/2019
  •   Start of Action - 19/11/2019
  •   End of Action - 18/11/2023

How can I participate?

  • Read the Project Description MoU
  • Inform the Main Proposer/Chair of your interest (email)
  • Apply to join your Working Groups of interest
  • Please note, Management Committee nominations are carried out through the COST National Contact Points

Audit & Assurance

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IT Control Solutions

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Business Services

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Year-End Tax Planning

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Financial Planning

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Tax Advisory Services

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The kick off meeting was very productive and everybody perceived an enthusiastic, collaborative and friendly atmosphere. This is a fundamental positive forward for the success of EuNet-INNOCHRON initiative.

Carlo Doufour Action's Vice Chair

Aiming at promoting scientific collaborations, training and education in the field of chronic neutropenia and fostering the research on diagnosis and treatment of neutropenic patients.


The COST Leadership Workshop was an interesting and challenging experience. I learned that serving and leading are two sides of the same coin. I understood  that when you have the gift to inspire people and help others achieve their dreams, you can become a true leader.

Madalina Schmid, ECI (COST Leadership Workshop 1/10/19)

Action News

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3rd Early Career Investigators' Workshop - ended

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