Online discussion club (ODC) initiative 

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The Young EuNet-INNOCHRON Committee is proud to announce the Online Discussion Club initiative. 

Online Discussion Club will be a unique opportunity for young EuNet-INNOCHRON members to present their future or running projects with short online communications open to all EuNet-INNOCHRON members (both young and senior). This should allow young members to exchange views on their projects with other members, possibly finding new collaborations. During the Online Discussion Club initiative, a schedule of incoming funding opportunities for young investigators will be presented as well, to possibly gather research teams interested in. Announcement and registration forms will be available on the EuNet-INNOCHRON web page.

Specific aims of Online Discussion Club:

  • Presentation and discussion of planned or running research projects from the Young EuNet-INNOCHRON members
  • Establishment of cooperation and collaboration for grant proposals, and research projects
  • Overview of funding opportunities, terms and conditions, scholarships in frame
  • Brainstorming to develop innovation and problem solving

Each presentation is allowed at most 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for constructive discussion. Experts in the field of the presented subjects will be eventually invited (EuNet-INNOCHRON committee may invite external experts). An additional Q&A session (10-15 minutes) will be considered.

A further “Workshop on how to write grant proposal - tips and tricks” will be planned within the Online Discussion Club evets.

Online Discussion Club will be conducted through ZOOM platform once a month, and links to each event will be sent by email to all EuNet-INNOCHRON members.

Young EuNet-INNOCHRON members who wish to present their projects/proposals should contact the Young EuNet-INNOCHRON Committee by sending an email to the following addresses: and

A specific mailing list will be created in order to update all members on the progress of work.

When does it start?

The first ODC is planned on Thursday 6 May 2021 at 15:00 CEST.


All Young EuNet-INNOCHRON members (PhD students, research fellow, Early Career Investigators (under 40 years old or having obtained a PhD no more than 8 years) are highly encouraged to apply to this initiative. 

Online Discussion Club Presentations